Showing posts from June, 2021

Top 10 Joe Rogan Conspiracy Theories

Joe Rogan is a wildly popular podcaster, and his podcast The Joe Rogan Experience is routinely one of, if not the, most list…

Top 10 Fascinating Museum Exhibits

Museums are not everyone’s cup of tea, but they are essential in the ongoing quest to preserve history for future generation…

Top 10 Most Realistic Video Games

The first intentional human artwork was cave paintings from 30,000 BCE. The first photograph was taken sometime in the 1820s…

Top 10 Chilling Civil War Stories

The American Civil War was exceptional in its brutality and the loss of American lives. It took place in the violent sweet s…

Top 10 DC Universe Conspiracies

D.C. comics began in the 1930s, and over the last century, has grown into an entertainment empire that spans comics, televis…

Top 10 Craziest Holiday Tragedies

Holidays can be magical occasions, bringing families together and uniting communities in a common spirit of celebration. How…

Top 10 Failed Fad Diets

Let’s face it: to the world, looks matter. Everyone wants to be attractive, and the people who society considers attractive …

Top 10 Cases Of Wokeness Run Amok

Recently, renowned US Democratic Party strategist James Carville decided that, so far as Wokeness is concerned, silence is v…

Top 10 Weird Music-Related Facts

Imagine a world without music. Not “A Quiet Place” world where you have to listen to your favorite tunes through earphones f…

Top 10 Haunted Asylums

The history of “lunatic asylums” and their more modern replacements, psychiatric hospitals, is long, dark, and bloody. The i…

Top 10 Mysterious Celebrity Deaths

When an entire life is spent in the public eye, you can bet its death will be, too. In our culture, celebrities become myths…

Top 10 Out of This World Hotel Rooms

Traveling is one of the most fun and educational things a person can do. The best part of travel is getting out, seeing the …

Ten Of The Weirdest Elon Musk Moments

Elon Musk is one of the most opinion-splitting people on the planet today. The South African entrepreneur is worshipped by s…

Top 10 Initial Reactions To 9/11

“This seems to be on purpose.” That simple phrase, uttered seconds after the second airplane impacted the South Tower on 9/1…

Top 10 Sinister Facts About OnlyFans

Over the last few years, OnlyFans has seen a massive surge in popularity. The London-based platform first emerged in 2016, a…

Top 10 Scariest TikTok Videos

TikTok creators are always cooking up new ways to attract and entertain fans. While many choose to impress by following chal…

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