Showing posts from February, 2020

Top 10 Things Making A Comeback In 2020

Trends are like the seasons. They come, and they go. Sometimes, trends become stronger than ever. Other times, we move to th…

Top 10 Bizarre Alcoholic Drinks

Alcohol, as Homer Simpson famously said, is the cause of and solution to all of man’s problems. Humans have been quaffing ba…

Top 10 Real Life Forrest Gumps

Winston Groom’s Forrest Gump had a remarkable knack of being at the right place, at the right time, multiples times. By shee…

Top 10 Most Dangerous Things You Can Eat

Human beings have been moving about this planet for over 200,000 years, and in that time, we’ve put a lot of questionable th…

Top 10 Shocking Facts About Russia

Russia is a land full of majestic cathedrals, vodka, and bears . . . or so you think. As the largest land-mass country in th…

Top 10 Insane Elvis-Is-Alive Theories

There are far too many celebrity hoaxes as it is. If it isn’t Avril Lavigne being replaced by a doppelganger, then its Jeff …

Top 10 Fattest World Leaders In History

Social media outlets are filled with side-by-sides of a thin Barack Obama next to his not-so-thin successor. But President D…

Top 10 Craziest Ancient Aliens Theories

Since its premiere in 2010, the History channel’s hit show Ancient Aliens has entertained viewers with thought-provoking and…

10 Gross Cases Of Serial Pooping

Serial killers may be worse overall, but serial pooping is nothing to sniff at. Actually, on second thought, don’t sniff. Ke…

Top 10 Truly Terrible Television Series

When the topic turns to terrible television series, we often find ourselves walking a tightrope of wet tissue. Some would ar…

8 Fascinating Facts About Robot Abuse

The rise of the killer robots might be justified. People can be really mean to machines—so much so that programmers are teac…

Top 10 Unhinged Cafeteria Workers

Often, lunch hour for students—and perhaps adults—is a respite from the pressures of the day. Conversely, this period of tra…

10 Years That Made The Modern World

As we know, all history wasn’t made equal. Although it was dotted with a variety of groundbreaking events that changed our c…

10 Bizarre People Behind Everyday Words

Language is one of the few secrets of immortality. There are hundreds of people, whether one knows it or not, that the avera…

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